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INDIA - Marketing Brands Media and Advertising
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PR Agency needed at MumbaiViews: 375
Dec 29, 2009 4:50 amPR Agency needed at Mumbai#

Sanjeev Singhai
Hi All,

I am looking to utilise services of an efficient PR Agency based at Mumbai. Can you please refer me any names?


Private Reply to Sanjeev Singhai

Dec 29, 2009 6:46 amre: PR Agency needed at Mumbai#

Sonu Tyagi


Please visit us at www.approachcom.com

Private Reply to Sonu Tyagi

Feb 08, 2010 5:08 amre: PR Agency needed at Mumbai#

hi sanjeev,

you can check www.perceptionmanagers.net,

nikhil choudhary

Private Reply to nisusimcs@gmail.com

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