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INDIA - Marketing Brands Media and Advertising
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Need Faculty: MumbaiViews: 360
Oct 21, 2009 10:37 amNeed Faculty: Mumbai#

Aditya Seth
Im seeking Faculty for Advertising PG students asap who are also practising professionals in the disciplines of:

Direct advertising and database marketing
Digital media & Internet Advertising
Buying and selling media

Please spread the word & PM me.


Private Reply to Aditya Seth

Oct 22, 2009 6:41 amre: Need Faculty: Mumbai#

Sumeet Mehta
For which Insitute... I can refer busines heads of a couple of channels and ppl who have conceived and build some marky media properties...

Private Reply to Sumeet Mehta

Oct 22, 2009 7:11 amre: Need Faculty: Mumbai#

Sandiip Chatterjii
I am a practing television producer with experience in producing GEC / TRP Shows as well as SMS and call based interactive television. Would like to be a part of the team on freelance basis.

Private Reply to Sandiip Chatterjii

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