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everyone is attracted tfrom Media Intnl owards this concept of Divorce TourismViews: 404
Sep 09, 2009 6:48 pmeveryone is attracted tfrom Media Intnl owards this concept of Divorce Tourism#

Farha Naaz
The global divorce rate is increasing alarmingly.
India still enjoys a low divorce rate of 1.1% as compared to USA or Sweden which has more than 50%
of marriages ending up in divorce. Even though Indians boast of nearly 100% success rate of
marriages, rapid urbanization are now causing the divorce rate to shoot up. It is being seen among the
educated and career oriented couples that families are breaking up faster than they are being formed.
According to our vision at KV Tours & Travels we use tourism as a very positive platform provided to
couples who are planning to go in for a divorce. It is a very unique concept, unexplored by anybody
else in the industry. This is more as an opportunity for couples to rescue your marriages.
What better way than sending them away together on a vacation.
This being a niche segment, these vacations are specialized and custom-made to the tee. We arrange
for couples to get away for a vacation to a private beach or go anywhere else that's fun and romantic.
With locations and activities carefully planned, this will definitely facilitate to revive some
relationships that have been tested over time.
Whatever be the outcome the sweet memories of the vacation will always be cherished. Things can
end on a Sweet note with a better learning of each other, better understanding of each other’s nature,
personality, better communication between both partners and will thus reduce negativity and hard
feelings between the two.
‘It is all about ending a Divorce’.
kvedu@vidilon.com kvevent@gmail.com www.vidilon.com

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