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INDIA - Marketing Brands Media and Advertising
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Make it BIGViews: 378
Jul 08, 2009 8:19 amMake it BIG#

Sanjeev Singhai
Dear All,

This network, of which you have been part is almost 2 years old and growing studlily.

Thank you all, for posting your views time to time. You would be surprissed to know that some of the views posted by you, are visited by more than 200 hundred people in first 2-3 days.

This reassures me that our network is beign able to create a platform to reach to masses and voice your opinion etc.

Now we want people to join us from marketing and brand side too. Please invite all your friends and relative to be part of this network and help me in my this effort.


Private Reply to Sanjeev Singhai

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