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INDIA - Marketing Brands Media and Advertising
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Planning a music album + music videoViews: 474
Feb 18, 2009 3:24 pmPlanning a music album + music video#

I m a Delhi based entrepreneur venturing into media industry. Initially we are planning to launch a music album with its music video. We are looking for connections in the media industry. Would like to interact people with following interest :

- Music companies
- Marketing of music CD/cassettes etc.
- Manufacturing/replication of music Cd/cassettes.
- Production of music album including music composition , production , writers etc
- production of music video including direction , production , choreography , etc

The album will be having fresh faces and the artists will be selected through a pan india talent hunt process. people who can help us in selection process can also contact us.

Write to me with details at nk15566@gmail.com .

I Will be visiting mumbai in march'09 and will be meeting the like minded people.

Cheers !!


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