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An enterpreneur looking for consultancy in TV productionViews: 681
Jan 15, 2009 3:54 pmAn enterpreneur looking for consultancy in TV production#


This is Naresh . I m based in Gurgaon. I m interested to interact with people who are active in TV production. I m planning to launch a TV production company and would be producing TV programmes for different channels. As on date i m new to this field and would like to gain some knowledge about the whole thing.

You can write to me at nk15566@gmail.com



Private Reply to Naresh

Jan 15, 2009 4:37 pmre: An enterpreneur looking for consultancy in TV production#

Hi Naresh

Are you interested in having a website for your new company or looking for any other IT services?

Private Reply to HIMANSHU SINGLA

Jan 16, 2009 4:29 amre: An enterpreneur looking for consultancy in TV production#

Sanjeev Singhai
Good Luck Naresh.

Private Reply to Sanjeev Singhai

Jan 16, 2009 4:53 amre: re: An enterpreneur looking for consultancy in TV production#


A mere good luck will not do....i need inputs specially want to know the business model...can u help ?



Private Reply to Naresh

Feb 17, 2009 3:36 pmre: An enterpreneur looking for consultancy in TV production#

Saurabh kaushik
great Idea...but this Delhi is right place to start that?

If you are ...


Private Reply to Saurabh kaushik

Apr 03, 2009 4:47 pmre: An enterpreneur looking for consultancy in TV production#

pushpa mall
Hi Naresh,

This is pushpa I am based out of Gurgaon too. Have worked with Modi Entertainment and Balaji tele-films in Bombay in the capacity of an executive producer. Was involved in making of many programmes for Star, Sony and Zee TV. Right now looking for an opportunity here.

Have u started your company and which programmes are you producing.

Can we look at the feasibility of working together.



Private Reply to pushpa mall

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