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Social Media Marketing Workshop in Pune on 10th Dec Views: 151
Dec 06, 2010 7:47 am Social Media Marketing Workshop in Pune on 10th Dec

pooja kumar
Social media is fast gaining popularity and is in many ways is more influential than traditional media. The role of offline traditional media such as newspapers, TV, radio, SMS broadcast and business networking, is being rapidly replaced by their online social media equivalents such as Blogs, Youtube, Podcasts, Twitter and Facebook. Social Media Marketing – is one of the most powerful ways for building brands and marketing products & services in current media landscape.

Social Media (SM) Marketing is an engagement with online communities to generate exposure, opportunity and sales. Much is raved about how it is the most effective way to reach and connect with customers, but little has been said about exactly how marketers can tap on its full potential to galvanize influencers and build followers, and how to evaluate its effectiveness in achieving marketing goals.

WATConsult’s multi-faceted workshop on "Social Media Marketing” is specially designed to provide marketers with in-depth knowledge on SM Marketing strategy development, step by step implementation techniques and the all important skills for measuring social media efforts in financial and non-financial terms. At the end of the workshop, you will be equipped with the most up-to-date Social Media marketing tips, tricks, and best practices which you can immediately apply to your marketing campaigns!

Key Takeaways:

q Identify and capitalize on Asia’s social media market behavior & landscape

q Integrate social media with existing marketing channels locally & regionally

q Leverage online social communities for effective market research & CRM

q Boost offline campaign with social media marketing and vice versa

q Plan, implement & effectively drive an integrated campaign with social media

q Allocate budget, time and human resources optimally for social media marketing campaign

q Analyze free & paid tools tailored to different social media attributes & metrics

q Quantify intangible attributes including engagement, awareness, reach and attention


Mr. Rajiv Dingra has been a digital media analyst and social media evangelist for the last 5 years. WATBlog’s chief blogger & the CEO of a leading social media consultancy firm WATConsult, Rajiv is well known prolific Blogger is a young and dynamic entrepreneur who started WATMedia Pvt Ltd 4 years ago and has excelled in carving a niche and name for himself in the Digital Media Industry. His expertise in social media will help accustom our participants with the ongoing trends in Social Media, famous case studies of brands and building its online identity, strategies & execution on these platforms, deep insights about the functionality of social media etc.

For agenda details and confirmation of attendance pls send a mail to contact@smejoinup.com or visit www.smejoinup.com

We are closing registrations so hurry up!

Date:10th Dec
Venue : Hotel Raviraj , Bhandarkar Rd
Time : 11 am onwards - full day
Charges: INR 2000 including taxes, lunch,tea


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