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All NRIs (NON RESIDENT INDIANS) Invited to Join this Global Platform specially 4 NRIs [10K+ MEMBERS]Views: 99
May 29, 2009 8:11 pm All NRIs (NON RESIDENT INDIANS) Invited to Join this Global Platform specially 4 NRIs [10K+ MEMBERS]

Anil Gupta(sqaguru @ gmail.com)
All NRIs (NON RESIDENT INDIANS) Invited to Join LARGEST Platform for NRIs to

*Post/Find job

*Find [VC/PE]/partners/vendors/Customers

*Discuss Forex/Stocks/NRI specific topics

*NRI News


I have created a global platform ( http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/99549 ) for the Overseas Indian (i.e. NRIs, PIOs and OCIs) with membership strength approaching in five figures The basic concept is to NRIs helping NRIs. The time has come when we need to help each other to survive at foreign land in new era of protectionism.

The group Details are as below
URL: http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/99549
Group ID: 99549
Group title: NRI (Non Resident Indians)
Currently this platform can be used for following purposes provided terms and conditions of the group is followed

1. Post the job: Post your job only in Job section and not in main discussion area.

2. Find the Job: Find your dream job either by searching suitable opportunity in Jobs area or Skills availability registration in a discussion thread dedicated for the purpose with title “NRIs Looking for Job”. No separate discussion is allowed for this purpose.

3. Venture Capitals / Start ups can find attractive deals by initiating new discussions in the group.

4. Issues of special interest to NRIs can be discussed by either commenting to already active discussion or initiating a new discussion. Such discussions may include Forex, Stocks, industry trend, economic trends, news and happenings related to NRI community.

5. Promote your services / products by registering in separate discussion “NRIs offering Product / Services”

Besides above you can always stay updated with the news of specific interest to NRIs e.g. events and happenings from Diaspora, Financial matters, etc etc.

The group Details are as below

URL: http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/99549

Group ID: 99549

Group title: NRI (Non Resident Indians)

Looking forwards to see you there.....


Private Reply to Anil Gupta(sqaguru @ gmail.com) (new win)

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